Uploading and Managing Contacts

  • Add Single Contact

    • Click the + Add Contact button
    • Enter the Name and Email and/or Mobile Number for the new contact (make sure to include the country code before the number, i.e. 1-415-555-1234)
    • Click Add
  • Bulk Contact Upload
    • Create spreadsheet with 4 columns: Name, Email, Mobile, Group
      • Name - full name
      • Email - email address
      • Mobile - mobile phone number for the new contact (make sure to include the country code before each number, i.e. 1-415-555-1234)
        • Note - make sure to remove the plus sign (+) before the number
        • Note - for countries where any digits are dropped when the international code is added, this number should be removed from the Mobile number. For example, the UK number 0 7979 000 000 would need to be changed to 44 7979 000 000
        • The CONCATENATE function in Excel/Google Sheets is a great way to adjust large groups of numbers at once. Example:
          • Removing the "0" from the start:
            • Highlight the column with the phone numbers in
            • Select "Data" in the top ribbon
            • Select "Text to Columns"
            • In Text to Columns, select "Fixed width" and click "Next"
            • On the next screen, the vertical lines represent where the column will be split. You can simply add a new splitting line by clicking. To remove one, double-click on it
            • Select "Next" and then "Finish"
            • You should now see the original column split into two (e.g. one column saying "0" and the next saying "7979 440 123"
          • Adding a "44" to the start:
            • Clear the contents of the column that contains the "0"s
            • In this column, add a "44" in all the cells
            • For the sake of this, lets say that the columns with the "44"s in is column C, and the columns with the mobile number less the zero in are in column D
            • In cell E2, use the following formula to bring those numbers together: =CONCATENATE(C2,D2)
            • When you hit "Enter", cell E2 should populate with the contents of cell C2 and cell D2 combined
            • Copy this formula all the way down the column
            • You should then see all of the mobile numbers there, starting "447..."
          • Removing the formula:
            • Highlight the column with the mobile numbers in
            • Copy the contents of the column (e.g. CTRL+C)
            • Paste the values of the cells, by highlighting a new column, selecting "Edit" then "Paste Special", and then "Values", and then "Ok"\
            • This removes the formula, and replaces it with mobile numbers in text format
            • You can delete the column with the formula in it
      • Group - group name for the set of contacts. This is arbitrary but will help you search for and organize your contacts for the campaign within the RoboRecruiter portal.
    • Note that Name, Email, and Mobile columns are required by exact name, i.e. columns named Full Name or Email Address would not be accepted
    • Any additional columns can be used for campaign messaging in the form of a profile variable
      • Example - you have existing data on the Job Title of your candidates and you want to ask if this data is still relevant
        • Add a data column to your .csv with the header Job Title
        • When composing your RoboRecruiter conversation or messaging, add the variable {profile.job-title}
        • When launching, each contact will see their respective Job Title wherever the profile variable was inserted
    • File must be saved as .CSV

If you are using Excel and are experiencing upload issues, it may be due the way the way Excel is configuring CSV files. In English language countries, Excel (by default) configures CSV files so that the delimiter is the comma. In countries of other languages Excel (by defult) configures CSV files with a semi-colon instead of a comma.
A workaround we have found to achieve the desired result, is to temporarily change the delimiter setting in the Excel Options (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10140999/csv-with-comma-or-semicolon):

  1. Move to File -> Options -> Advanced -> Editing Section
  2. Uncheck the “Use system separators” setting and put a comma in the “Decimal Separator” field.
  3. Now save the file in the .CSV format and it will be saved in the semicolon delimited format.
  • Download Contacts

    • Downloads a .csv spreadsheet file with all contact data
    • If desired, narrow down the contact set by using the Filter by: button
  • Verify Emails
    • Click this to automatically verify the validity of your contact email addresses
    • This will help identify your dead email addresses and drastically helps reduce spam flagging, enabling higher response rates
    • This step is mandatory before launching campaigns of more than 200 contacts