Create and Edit Conversations


  • FlowBuilder is a dynamic flowchart-based tool to help you create and edit your RoboRecruiter chat conversations.
  • Choose one of the following options to get started:
    • Click the clipboard icon to create a copy of the currently selected conversation
    • Click the dropdown list to select a conversation to edit
      • Note: if the conversation title contains (shared), the selected conversation is a shared/default template and will be unavailable for editing. In this case, click the Copy/clipboard icon next to the conversation name to create a copy and edit
    • Click the + to create a new conversation from scratch
  • Each box represents one question, with arrows indicating the question branching
  • The right sidebar contains the Robo chat question types. Click or drag one of these boxes to add a new question, or click an existing box to edit
  • Add or edit a question and click Save. FlowBuilder should update to show the current conversational flow. Click Publish Changes to save your changes.
  • After creating a conversation in FlowBuilder, it will be available for use in any campaign.

  • Edit Question popup
    • Question
      • The question body text that will be displayed in the final chat
      • Keep in mind the length, as this will be viewed within a chat window or mobile phone screen
    • Field Name
      • The Field Name is the label for how the data is stored
      • Field names will make up the column headers in reports
    • Question Type
      • Different Question Types accept different user responses
      • Types (recommended/common question types are in bold )
        • Free - allows free response text. Most versatile, as the user can enter anything in the field
        • Message
          • Robo simply sends a message to the user, and immediately move to the next question
          • For example, the bot could simply say "Hello!" or "Thanks!"
        • Name
          • Typed response
          • The user is prompted to input their full name
        • Email
          • Typed response
          • Only properly formatted email addresses are accepted
        • Phone
          • Typed response
          • Only numbers are accepted
        • Number
          • Typed response
          • Only numbers will be accepted
          • Can also be used for phone numbers
        • Currency
          • Typed response
          • Only numbers will be accepted
        • Date
          • Typed response
          • Only dates are accepted, in the form YYYY-MM-DD
        • Calendly
          • Allows user to schedule via Calendly from within the chat window
          • Requires premium Calendly account. Ask your CSM or follow these instructions if you are a power user.
        • DatePicker
          • Users are directed to a popup window where they can select a date
          • This option is not recommended for mobile campaigns
        • Yes/No
          • User selects from multiple choice bubbles
          • The only user options are yes or no
          • Advantages
            • Can be used with Branching
            • Keep conversation streamlined and ensure clean data
          • Configuration
            • Branching/Options - click Add Answer to add a multiple-choice option
              • Answer - the text the user will see (must be yes and no)
              • Next Question - When a user selects the corresponding Answer, the chat will move to the number entered here
              • Value (optional) - value passed in the backend
          • Note: the language for this question is locked to English, and so the options are always "yes" and "no". To work around this with a different language, simply choose "Options" field type instead, and provide translated versions of "yes" and "no" as options, e.g. "Ja; Nein"
        • Options
          • User selects from multiple choice bubbles
          • Advantages
            • Can be used with Branching
            • Keep conversation streamlined and ensure clean data
          • Configuration
            • Branching/Options - click Add Answer to add a multiple-choice option
              • Answer - the text the user will see
              • Next Question - When a user selects the corresponding Answer, the chat will move to the number entered here
              • Value (optional) - value passed in the backend
        • Multiselect
          • Users can select multiple options from the question. Options - click Add Answer to add a multiple-choice option
          • Branching does not work with this, since multiple answers can be selected
          • Please use Default Next Question in order to direct which question should follow
        • Call
          • The user will have an option button that will prompt a phone call to a particular
          • Configuration
            • Mobile Number: Choose the number that will be called
        • Resume
          • User should be directed to click the paperclip button in the lower right hand corner of the chat window
          • Prompts the user to upload a CV/resume file
        • File Upload
          • User should be directed to click the paperclip button in the lower right hand corner of the chat window
          • Prompts the user to upload a file
        • Image
          • Displays an image
          • Upload a file via the box
        • Video interviewing
          • There are two options for video interview questions
            1. Video Resume - Allows a user to record a 30 second video about themselves. This is then stored as the primary video on the candidate profile
            2. Video Response - Allows a user to record a 30 second video in response to the prompt entered. This is then stored on the profile as a specific field
        • Search Job - Advanced
          • Allows the user to search from jobs created via Job Discovery
          • Configuration required. Ask your CSM or follow these instructions if you are a power user.
        • Job Alerts Bundle - Advanced
          • Allows the user to opt in and select preferences for Job Alerts
          • Job Discovery must first be set up. Ask your CSM or follow these instructions if you are a power user.
        • Referrals - Advanced
          • Allows users to submit referrals via a form that asks for name, email, and mobile
          • Once submitted, a preset campaign will be sent automatically to the referee
          • Configuration required. Ask your CSM or follow these instructions if you are a power user.
        • References - Advanced
          • Allows users to submit references via a form that asks for name, email, and mobile
          • Once submitted, a preset campaign will be sent automatically to the reference
          • Configuration required. Ask your CSM or follow these instructions if you are a power user.
    • Label
      • Sequential numeric system to organize the RoboRecruiter question flow
      • Best practice: label should be positive integer number and match the Question Position (this should happen by default)
    • Question Position
      • The original "order" of the question
      • Must be positive integer number
      • For best practice, this should equal the Label for each particular Question
    • Pre-branching - Optional, advanced
      • Allows questions to be skipped depending on existing data fields in user profiles
      • Example
        • You wish to ask users for their secondary phone number, but only if their secondary number data is not already present
        • This data was stored in the contact .csv as Secondary Phone Number
        • The secondary phone question is Question Label 11, and the following question is Question Label 12
        • The pre-branching would be: +{profile.secondary-phone-number}:12
          • The plus (+) indicates that the question will be skipped if the user profile contains the data in question.
          • This works oppositely with a minus (-) to skip a question if a user's profile lacks the data in question
        • {profile.secondary-phone-number} breakdown
          • Variables are contained in curly brackets { }
          • {} is the format for calling variables from user profiles
          • secondary-phone-number is the specific data in question. Although the field name in the .csv was separated by spaces (Secondary Phone Number), the variable must be separated by dashes
    • Default Next Question - Optional
      • After a question is answered, Robo will next skip to the Position provided in this field
      • If left blank, Robo will ask the next sequential Position, i.e. if on Question Position 6, Robo will ask Question Position 7
    • Error Message - Optional
      • Option for creating custom error messages for each question
        -e. g. for a Number Question Type, if a user inputs a word, the Error Message could be "Please enter a valid number."
  • Profile Variables and Campaign Variables
    • Campaign Variables: Information to configure upon launch of campaign
    • Common Campaign Variables:
      • {campaign.user-name}
      • {}
      • {campaign.position}
      • {campaign.location}
      • {campaign.replytoemail}
      • {}
      • {}
      • {}
      • {campaign.currency}
    • Profile Variables: Information comes from candidate profile
    • Common Profile Variables:
      • {profile.first-name-auto}
      • {}