Vincere Integration

RoboRecruiter can be integrated with your Vincere account. The process to integrate the two systems is simple, with RoboRecruiter handling most of the work, though there are some steps which require your involvement the biggest of which is getting you a WhatsApp business account.

WhatsApp business account

To allow for communication to go out over WhatsApp, RoboRecruiter will guide you though setting up a WhatsApp business account. The details needed are simple and it takes up to 2 weeks for the full approval process. Once done you will have your own business WhatsApp that you can use with RoboRecruiter and any other application that support WhatsApp for business.

Vincere integration of RoboRecruiter

Mapping Information

We want to ensure that the intergation matches your workflow. In setting up the integration we will walk through how you want the intergration to happen to the candidate and vacancy. There are many customization that we can do and during the integration process we may these processes out.

Request Credentials

Once the Callback URL is provided, the next step is to request the API credentials from Vincere.

Vincere should provide the following credentials. An API Key and a Client ID. We also require your Vincere account name, which will be included in your Vincere URL. e.g. https://{yourcompanyname}

Once we have this information we will send you a link for you to be able to login and connect the 2 systems together. The first time you do this we can guide you through the process. The other option is to have a Bot user that we can configure that would allow all updates to be posted as that bot user. For many users this is a preferred model to be able to track what the bot is doing.