Video Links

Chrome Extension Setup 1: Download
Download the RoboRecruiter Chrome Extension here:

Chrome Extension Setup 2: Login and Settings

JobAdder: Send Campaigns and Bring Responses Back into JobAdder

Chrome Extension - Bullhorn 1: Bulk Upload

  1. Open Bullhorn Candidates list
  2. Open RoboRecruiter Chrome Extension
  3. Click Add Contacts
  4. Contacts are added to RoboRecruiter Portal

Chrome Extension - Bullhorn 2: Bring Response Data Back into Bullhorn

  1. Send a RoboRecruiter campaign to Bullhorn contacts via the Chrome Extension
  2. Open and log in to Bullhorn Candidates list and RoboRecruiter Chrome Extension
  3. Click Import Campaign to Bullhorn
  4. Users that have interacted with the campaign will have a note in their Bullhorn profile with their response data.


View Campaign Results from Chrome Extension and Portal

  1. Send Campaign via RoboRecruiter
  2. Click Open Portal button in the RoboRecruiter Chrome Extension, or go to
  3. Click a status bar - such as clicked - to see a breakdown of user responses
  4. Click an individual user for their profile view
  5. Click Download Contacts for a consolidated .csv file with the full set of response data